Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Review: Medela Swing

Since I have talked about how I feel about the Medela Freestyle, I think it is just about fair that I also talked about the Medela Swing. You know she might hear that I'm all for the Freestyle and suddenly decides to quit on me. And that is just going to make me so sad.

Don't get me wrong. I love my Medela Swing... She's never put me down - ever - except for days that I leave it in the fridge unwashed because I don't have the time to clean it. I know you'd say, “Eeeeewww.” But that's another story. Let's focus on my breastfeeding partner.

Anyways, I made the mistake of purchasing my Medela Swing after giving birth. I had the all time myth on my mind that I would not have milk and the breast pump would be a waste, so there.

Actually, I pre-ordered my Medela Swing from an online seller which means I will receive the breast pump in a month or so (with my fingers crossed!). I chose to pre-order than have it bought it from a local dealer because it is cheaper. Waaay cheaper. Even with the shipping cost added to it. The only difference is the input voltage wherein the local dealer would give you 220V adaptors. Since the pre-ordered breast pump would come all the way from across the globe (United State), you would receive the 110V adaptors. This is easily solved by those cute little 90 Watts transformers from your local hardware store. I got mine from True Value for a little bit less than Php500. Others say Ace Hardware has it also.

Moving on, the Swing is light in weight (2.5 lbs.) and compact in size (about 6 inches in diameter). Since it comes in its own pouch, I can fit it into any bag that I have. Well, most of my bags are a bit big in size because I pack heavy. All parts of the Swing are BPA free making it more appealing for me.

I also find it mobile. It doesn’t have the rechargeable batteries that the Freestyle has but it can be powered by 4 AA batteries. I have been able to pump milk in the comforts of a vehicle (moving or not).

For me, the sound is quiet enough that I could pump with Jack Jack sleeping beside me. I don’t know why others are saying it’s loud because it’s not.

It’s been a year since I bought it and the strength of the suction is still the same. I can completely empty my breast after pumping for 15 minutes. Although the breastshield is a bit deformed. Probably from the many times I have sterilized it.

My favorite feature of the Medela Swing is its 2-Phase Expression Technology which mimics the baby’s suckling. You can also adjust the suction strength from pushing two buttons.

UPDATE: July 12, 2009

I noticed that I didn't include the cons of using the Swing. I guess it doesn't bother me much which is why I forgot to mention them. I feel that this wouldn't be a valid review if there's none so here it is...

It is a single pump. Pumping time is longer because I would need to transfer to the other breast and another 15-3o minutes of pumping would be needed. Also, others say that let-down is stronger when suckling is done from both breasts - the reason why others nurse and pump simultaneously. I haven't tried using a double pump though.

The tubing also accumulates condensation while you are pumping. Sometimes the moisture is too much that it can be sucked into the pump motor. This is, however, mentioned in the breastpump's user manual but it might damage the pump motor if the moisture reaches it. Simply allow the motor running with only the tubing attached to the motor and the moisture will dry.

Since I spend most of my time at home with the baby, this is just about the perfect breast pump for me. Well, at least that's what I thought last year.

Specifications and other features of the Medela Swing can be found here.


  1. i also purchased the swing before Naima was born for the same reasons you enumerated. but i eventually bought a double electric and sold my swing. since i'm a WOHM, my pump is my best friend. i've even gotten a 2nd pump coz i can't have a broken pump -- so i have a back-up. :)

  2. actually, my next paycheck will go to a freestyle! wuhu!


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